In 2003 Cork Hill Press was the smart alternative to traditional publishing. This was their website. Content id from the site's original pages.


Welcome to Cork Hill Press

We have 17 years of publishing, marketing and graphic design experience. Our goal is to assist the resourceful writer looking for a straightfoward, affordable and timely approach to publishing.

At Cork Hill Press you control the look and feel of your project. You choose the interior and exterior design of your book. Based on your choices we format your manuscript and deliver a proof copy within 45 days. Our publishing plans are designed so you only pay for the features you want. Most importantly, as a Cork Hill author you will retain complete editorial control of your book and own 100% of the rights to your work.

Print-on Demand (POD) technology makes publishing accessible to every writer. It is also cost effective. POD books are stored electronically and printed only when ordered, eliminating the expense of large press runs and warehousing. Your book will be available to conventional booksellers, on-line retailers such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble and through our website bookstore.

We will guide you through the publishing process. With our Author Representatives assisting you every step of the way, it is faster and easier than you might think.

Take the first step today.

Get Published!



When I made the leap to self publish my first book I decided to try the Cork Hill Press' Tailer Made Plan. It was within my limited budget. It was an exciting time. My book was for children, my own kids and my own day job as a rep for an online company that sells janitorial supplies to both wholesale and retail customers were the inspiration for the storyline about magical paper towels. I'm always bringing home samples such as paper towels or a new detergent or other cleanser to try out and be "experienced informed" when I made a sales pitch to a customer. One time I brought home a box with a dozen paper towel rolls. I was opening it up with my two young children when the older one said, "Wouldn't it be fantastic if one of these rolls was magical. Tell us a story Daddy about THIS paper towel role." And so the kernel of my kid's book began to take shape. The story actually was so intriguing to my girls that every night they begged for another episode. I started recording my nightly stories that eventually turned into my first book. Cork Hill Press helped make it become a mini success.



We make the first step easy. Cork Hill Press offers plans and options to fit every author’s need. Explore these plans and options and decide which works best for you. We recommend you download our Author’s Guide that contains additional information about the publishing process. If you have questions please call us Toll-free at 1-866-688-BOOK.

Tailor Made Plan

The Tailor Made Plan is designed for value and flexibility. Choose the design and layout that are right for your manuscript and select only the options you want. Review this plan now.

Tailor Made Plan: $500

Our Tailor Made Plan offers you all the elements needed to get your book into print. Upgrade options are available allowing you to design the book you want at a price that is right for you. Your book will be available for sale in Trade Paperback and e-book format.

The Plan includes the following:

+ ISBN Registration
+ 1 Trade Paperback Copy of Your Book
+ Your choice of a Cover Color
+ 1 Cover Photo or Image in Color or Grayscale
+ A 2” x 3” Author Photo in Color or Grayscale

In addition to everything included, you make the following choices:

+ Book Size: 5” x 8”, 5.5” x 8.5”, 6” x 9”, 8.25” x 11”
+ Exterior/Interior Fonts
+ Chapter Drop
+ Indentation
+ Bracket
+ Cover Template

Custom Cover Option: $150 (included with our Cover-to-Cover Plan)

Do you have a great idea for a cover? We can design it. The Custom Cover Option includes a maximum of five cover photos and/or images and one author photo. The best marketing tool is a well-designed cover.

Enhanced Text Options: $100 (included with our Cover-to-Cover Plan)

The interior layout of your book can compliment the content or tone of your work. By selecting the Enhanced Text Option you have greater design control of your book.

+ Drop/Raised Cap
+ Capitalization
+ Headers/Footers
+ Page Number Position

Hard Cover Release Option: $250 (included with our Cover-to-Cover Plan)

Our Hard Cover Release Option is available in two book sizes. The hardback size determines the paperback size. Your Hard Cover book will receive a separate ISBN. This option includes a maximum of three cover photos and/or images plus one author photo. This cover design will be used for your dust jacket or laminate cover, as well as, your Trade Paperback. The cover for dust jacket editions is a durable, cloth-style material available in two colors. When purchased with the Tailor Made Plan, you will receive one copy each of the Hard Cover and Trade Paperback editions of your book.

You choose from the following:
+ Book Size: 5.5” x 8.5” or 6” x 9”
+ Outside Cover: Dust Jacket or Laminate
+ Hard Cover Color: Patriot Blue or Slate Gray

E-book Option: Included

An e-book is free with this plan. It is your choice if you want your book made available for sale in e-book format. It will receive a separate ISBN.

Additional Options:

These options are priced individually so you can purchase only those that are appropriate for your manuscript. Many are included in our Cover-to-Cover Plan.

+ Individual Graphics - $10.00 each: Graphics are priced individually, not in blocks. There is no need to purchase graphics you do not need.

+ Individual Tables - $20.00 each: Tables are priced individually, not in blocks. There is not need to purchase tables you do not need.

+ Index Service - $150.00: Indices that have been pre-tagged in MS Word or WordPerfect must be included in your original manuscript file. Your index will be included with your galley. You also have the option to generate your index as a separate file after reviewing your galley proof. Cork Hill will place it at the end of your book. We strongly suggest the index service for most non-fiction books.

+ Corrections Package - $50.00 base fee plus $2.00/correction: Once your book is in production, text changes can be made through this package. If your book has already gone to print, the price for corrections increases. If you require major revisions during production (layout and/or cover changes), you must contact your Author Representative.

+ Library of Congress Registration - $75.00: The Library of Congress Number is used by libraries to locate and acquire new titles. If you anticipate libraries purchasing your book, we suggest this option.

+ U.S. Copyright Registration - $150.00: If your book is registered, your copyright is protected for your lifetime plus 70 years. We will handle all the paperwork and you will be notified approximately six months to a year after the publication process is completed.

+ Paper Galley and Cover Proof - $60.00: If you require a hard copy of your galley and cover, it will be sent in two stages: (1) with initial galley (2) finalized layout galley prior to submission to the printer.

+ CD-ROM Archive - $75.00: final copies of your cover in PDF format and your manuscript in a word processing format.

+ Scanning Service - $5.00/scan: Cork Hill can scan your flat art up to 8.5” x 11”, as well as, slides and negatives.


Cover-to-Cover Plan

The Cover-to-Cover Plan gives you a full range of services and a high degree of customization to take your book to the next level. From a custom cover to the placement of the lowly bracket, the choices are yours. Review the Cover-to-Cover Plan now.

Cover-to-Cover Plan: $1600

Our Cover-to-Cover Plan gives you complete design control over every aspect of your book. Design a custom cover with up to five cover photos and or images, one author photo and your choice of fonts. Your book will be available for sale in Trade Paperback, Hard Cover and e-book format. We suggest this plan if you have a specific vision for your manuscript or it contains a large number of graphic images or tables.
The Cover-to-Cover Plans delivers value for the complex manuscript.

With the Cover-to-Cover Plan, all interior text options and enhancements are included.

The Plan also includes the following:
+ Separate ISBN Registration for All Editions
+ Up to 30 Interior Graphics
+ Up to 10 Interior Tables
+ 1 Index
+ Custom Cover with a Maximum of 5 Cover Photos and/or Images
+ Library of Congress Registration
+ U.S. Copyright Registration
+ A 2” x 3” Author Photo in Color or Grayscale
+ 10 Trade Paperbacks copies of your book
+ 10 Hard Cover Copies of Your Book

In addition to everything included in the Cover-to-Cover Plan, you make the following choices:

+ Book Size: 5.5” x 8.5” or 6” x 9” - Hard Cover Edition Determines Paperback Size.
+ Hard Cover Color
+ Hard Cover Finish
+ Cover Color
+ Exterior/Interior Fonts
+ Chapter Drop
+ Indentation
+ Bracket
+ Drop/Raised Cap
+ Capitalization
+ Headers/Footers
+ Page Number Position

Hard Cover Release Edition: Included

The Cover-to-Cover Plan includes a Hard Cover Release Edition available in two book sizes. The hardback size determines the paperback size. Your Hard Cover will receive a separate ISBN. It also includes five cover photos and/or images plus one author photo. The cover is a durable, cloth-style material available in two colors.

The Author chooses the following:
+ Book Size: 5.5” x 8.5” or 6” x 9”
+ Outside Cover: Dust Jacket or Laminate
+ Hard Cover Color: Patriot Blue or Slate Gray

E-book Option: Included

An e-book is free with this plan. It is your choice if you want your book made available for sale in e-book format. It will receive a separate ISBN.

Additional Options:

These options are priced individually so you can purchase those that are appropriate for your manuscript.

+ Individual Graphics - $10.00: If your book requires more than 30 graphics, they may be purchased individually.

+ Individual Tables - $20.00: If your book requires more than 10 tables, they may be purchased individually.

+ Corrections Package - $50.00 base fee plus $2.00/correction: Once your book is in production, text changes can be made through this package. If your book has already gone to print, the price for corrections increases. If you require major revisions during production (layout and /or cover changes), you must contact your Author Representative.

+ Paper Galley and Cover Proof - $60.00: If you require a hard copy of your galley and cover, it will be sent in two stages: (1) with initial galley (2) finalized layout galley prior to submission to the printer.

+ CD-ROM Archive - $75.00: final copies of your cover in PDF format and your manuscript in a word processing format.

+ Scanning Service - $5.00/scan: Cork Hill can scan your flat art up to 8.5” x 11”, as well as, slides and negatives.


Author’s Guide

Our Author’s Guide is designed to answer many of your specific questions and guide you through the publishing process. The following items are included:

• Descriptions of the Plans and Other Publishing Services
• Cover and Text Layout Designs
• Descriptions of Author Royalties and Discounts 
• Author’s Submission Checklist
• Order Forms
• Distribution Contract
• Payment Options


Q: How will my book be sold?

A: First, we assign your book an ISBN (International Standard Book Number). This number allows retailers to identify and order your book. Since we print with Lightning Source, your book will be added to Ingram’s database. Ingram is the largest independent distributor of books in America. We will submit your book information, including cover and author biography to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Bowker’s Books-In-Print. Your book will also be available for purchase on our website.

Q: How is retail price determined?

A: You decide the retail price of your book as long as the price is equal to or exceeds the minimum price standards outlined in the chart below.

Q: How do you pay royalties?

A: Royalties are dependent on the type of book or e-book sold and who sells the book to the reader. Please see the following chart. Royalties are paid quarterly. Author purchases are not subject to royalties.

Minimum Retail Prices

Trade Paperbacks

Trade Paperbacks 8.25" x 11

Laminated Hardcover

Hardcover with Dust Jacket

E-Books (Fiction)

E-Books (Nonfiction)

  48 - 103 Pages






104 - 199 Pages







200 - 299 Pages







300 - 399 Pages







400 - 499 Pages







500 - 599 Pages







600 - 740 Pages







CHP Bookstore Customer Discounts




  Author Royalties

CHP Bookstore Sales



Resellers & Distributors



  Author Discounts





































Q: Do authors receive discounts?

A: Discounts are dependent on the type of book and quantity ordered. Please see the above chart.

Q: How do I submit my manuscript?

A: Manuscripts can be submitted on a CD, 3.5 Disk or 100 MB Zip Disk. Please submit your manuscript in Word or WordPerfect. Graphics should not be embedded. All interior and cover graphics must be .tif format, 300 dpi and saved as a separate file. Please download the Author’s Guide and review the Author’s Submission Checklist for full instructions.

Q: What’s my cover going to look like?

A: It is your choice. You can select a format from six templates or choose to create a custom cover. Cover images and the color of the cover are up to you.

Call us today toll-free at 1-866-688-BOOK about getting your manuscript into print.


Privacy Policy

Our Commitment to Privacy

Our Privacy Policy was developed as an extension of our commitment to combine the highest-quality products and services with the highest level of integrity in dealing with our clients and partners. The Policy is designed to assist you in understanding how we collect, use and safeguard the personal information you provide to us and to assist you in making informed decisions when using our site and our products and services. This statement will be continuously assessed against new technologies, business practices and our customers' needs.

What Information Do We Collect?
When you visit our Web site you may provide us with two types of information: personal information you knowingly choose to disclose that is collected on an individual basis and Web site use information collected on an aggregate basis as you and others browse our Web site.

1. Personal Information You Choose to Provide

Credit Card Information
If you choose to purchase products or services from us or our partners, you may need to give personal information and authorization to obtain information from various credit services. For example, you may need to provide the following information:

Mailing address
Email address
Credit card number
Home and business phone number
Other personal information (i.e., mother's maiden name)

Email Information

In addition to providing the foregoing information to our partners, if you choose to correspond further with us through email, we may retain the content of your email messages together with your email address and our responses. We provide the same protections for these electronic communications that we employ in the maintenance of information received by mail and telephone.
Surveys & Contests 

From time-to-time our site requests information via surveys or contests. Participation in these surveys or contests is completely voluntary and you may choose whether or not to participate and therefore disclose this information. Information requested may include contact information (such as name and shipping address), and demographic information (such as zip code, age level). Contact information will be used to notify the winners and award prizes. Survey information will be used for purposes of monitoring or improving the use and satisfaction of this site.

2. Web Site Use Information

Similar to other commercial Web sites, our Web site utilizes a standard technology called "cookies" (see explanation below, "What Are Cookies?") and Web server logs to collect information about how our Web site is used. Information gathered through cookies and Web server logs may include the date and time of visits, the pages viewed, time spent at our Web site, and the Web sites visited just before and just after our Web site. This information is collected on an aggregate basis. None of this information is associated with you as an individual.

How Do We Use the Information That You Provide to Us?
Broadly speaking, we use personal information for purposes of administering our business activities, providing customer service and making available other products and services to our customers and prospective customers. Occasionally, we may also use the information we collect to notify you about important changes to our Web site, new services and special offers we think you will find valuable. The lists used to send you product and service offers are developed and managed under our traditional corporate standards designed to safeguard the security and privacy of our customers' personal information.

What Are Cookies? 
Cookies are a feature of Web browser software that allows Web servers to recognize the computer used to access a Web site. Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored by a user's Web browser on the user's hard drive. Cookies can remember what information a user accesses on one Web page to simplify subsequent interactions with that Web site by the same user or to use the information to streamline the user's transactions on related Web pages. This makes it easier for a user to move from Web page to Web page and to complete commercial transactions over the Internet. Cookies should make your online experience easier and more personalized.

How Do We Use Information We Collect from Cookies?
We use Web site browser software tools such as cookies and Web server logs to gather information about our Web site users' browsing activities, in order to constantly improve our Web site and better serve our customers. This information assists us to design and arrange our Web pages in the most user-friendly manner and to continually improve our Web site to better meet the needs of our customers and prospective customers.

Cookies help us collect important business and technical statistics. The information in the cookies lets us trace the paths followed by users to our Web site as they move from one page to another. Web server logs allow us to count how many people visit our Web site and evaluate our Web site's visitor capacity. We do not use these technologies to capture your individual email address or any personally identifying information about you although they do permit us to send focused online banner advertisements or other such responses to you.

Sharing Information with Affiliates
From time to time you may notice offers from outside companies advertised on our Web site. We take measures to select product or service providers that are responsible and afford privacy protections to their customers. However, we cannot make any representations about the practices and policies of these companies.

Sharing Information with Strategic Partners
We may enter into strategic marketing alliances or partnerships with third parties who may be given access to personal information including your name, address, telephone number and email for the purpose of providing you information regarding products and services that we think will be of interest to you. In connection with strategic marketing alliances or partnerships, we will retain all ownership rights to the information, and we will not share information regarding your social security number or other personal financial data.

Notice of New Services and Changes
Occasionally, we may also use the information we collect to notify you about important changes to our Web site, new services and special offers we think you will find valuable. As our client, you will be given the opportunity to notify us of your desire not to receive these offers by clicking on a response box when you receive such an offer or by sending us an email request at [email protected].

How Do We Secure Information Transmissions?
When you send confidential personal credit card information to us on our Web site, a secure server software which we have licensed encrypts all information you input before it is sent to us. The information is scrambled en route and decoded once it reaches our Web site.

Other email that you may send to us may not be secure unless we advise you that security measures will he in place prior to your transmitting the information. For that reason, we ask that you do not send confidential information such as Social Security or account numbers to us through an unsecured email.

How Do We Protect Your Information?

Information Security. 
We utilize encryption/security software to safeguard the confidentiality of personal information we collect from unauthorized access or disclosure and accidental loss, alteration or destruction.

Evaluation of Information Protection Practices.
Periodically, our operations and business practices are reviewed for compliance with corporate policies and procedures governing the security, confidentiality and quality of our information.

Employee Access, Training and Expectations. 
Our corporate values, ethical standards, policies and practices are committed to the protection of customer information. In general, our business practices limit employee access to confidential information, and limit the use and disclosure of such information to authorized persons, processes and transactions.

How Can You Access and Correct Your Information?
You may request access to all your personally identifiable information that we collect online and maintain in our database by emailing [email protected].

Do We Disclose Information to Outside Parties?
We may provide aggregate information about our customers, sales, Web site traffic patterns and related Web site information to our affiliates or reputable third parties, but this information will not include personally identifying data, except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy.

What About Legally Compelled Disclosure of Information?
We may disclose information when legally compelled to do so, in other words, when we, in good faith, believe that the law requires it or for the protection of our legal rights.

What About Other Web Sites Linked to Our Web Site?
We are not responsible for the practices employed by Web sites linked to or from our Web site nor the information or content contained therein. Often links to other Web sites are provided solely as pointers to information on topics that may be useful to the users of our Web site.

Please remember that when you use a link to go from our Web site to another Web site, our Privacy Policy is no longer in effect. Your browsing and interaction on any other Web site, including Web sites which have a link on our Web site, is subject to that Web site's own rules and policies. Please read over those rules and policies before proceeding.

Your Consent
By using our Web site you consent to our collection and use of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. If we change our privacy policies and procedures, we will post those changes on our Web site to keep you aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances we may disclose it.